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Dr. Agrippa O. Ezozo Profile
Founder and President African Diaspora Foundation
Dr. Agrippa O. Ezozo (AKA EZ) (aezozo@att.net) is the Founder and President of The African Diaspora Foundation (www.theadf.org), a 501 (C) (3) organization (officially registered in the State of California in August 17, 2001). The ADF is dedicated to Peace and Human Rights Education globally As an avid Peace and Human Rights Education advocate, Dr. Ezozo has had the honor and the privilege to be invited as a keynote speaker in countries and organizations such as: United Nations, in New York and Geneva, South Africa at the Nelson Mandela’s Foundation where he had the opportunity to meet and spoke to President Nelson Mandela. It was at the same time he had the opportunity to present the Peace and Human Rights Education plan to President Nelson Mandela’s Chief of Staff, Mr. Shubane. He also presented at the South African Council of Churches, South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), KJLH Radio Station, Nigerian Television Authority (ATA), World Bank, the King Center in Atlanta, etc. During his quest to further the Peace and Human Rights Education advocacy, he also went on to meet and host heads of state and dignitaries who have supported his peace Education Movement / Advocacy, just to mention a few: Former President Jacob Zuma of South, 2003, at UCLA, former President Jerry Rawlings of Ghana 2007 in Los Angeles, Former President Antonio M. Monterio, of Cape Verde, 2007 in Los Angeles, His Excellency , Salim A. Salim, the last Secretary General of Organization of African Unity (O.A.U) 1998 Her Excellency Ambassador Arikana Chihombori Quoa 2019, Late Mrs. Stella Obasanjo Former First Lady of Nigeria, 1999 in Los Angeles, Rev. Al Sharpton, 2007 in New York, Rev. Jesse Jackson, 1999 at UCLA, Mrs. Rosa Parks, 1995, in Los Angeles, at a marched for Affirmative Action, Dr. Bernard La Fayette, 2000, in New Port Beach, California, Bishop T.D. Jakes, 1996 at UCLA and many others, are too many to mentioned. Dr. Ezozo has been speaking in various topics on Peace Education. Ezozo is also a former President of the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) Black Faculty and Staff Association, and a former co-chair of the California Delegation to the National Summit on Africa. Dr. Ezozo was a Benefits Analyst at UCLA Health System, a former publisher of The Black Church Review magazine, and past Executive Director of the League of Patriotic Nigerians in Los Angeles, California Dr. Ezozo retired on August 10, 2022, as Human Resources Director for the UCLA Venice Family Clinic, a community health center affiliated with UCLA. Dr. Ezozo was born in Nigeria and earned a degree in public education from Wudil Teacher's College in Kano State in Nigeria and subsequently was employed as a teacher at Kundila Primary School in Kano, Nigeria. Dr. Ezozo moved to California in 1981 and attended Los Angeles Trade Technical College and later graduated from California State University at Dominguez Hills with a B.S. in Computer Information Systems. Dr. Ezozo also attended the University of California, Los Angeles where he earned an M.A. with a concentration in African Areas Studies and Public Policy. Dr. Agrippa Ezozo upon the recommendation of the Faculty of American Management University was conferred an honorary doctorate degree in Peace and Humanitarian Education on 3rd August 2024.

Dr. Sylvia Litana Ezozo Profile
Chairwoman ADF & CEO Aivlys Solutions USA Inc
Dr. Sylvia Litana Ezozo was born and raised in Zambia where she migrated to the USA in July 1985.
Upon her arrival she noticed that there was a very small diaspora from Zambia. She with a few other Zambians decided to form the first Zambian Association in WDC in the 1990sSince then, she has been a great Community Leader and role model, coach and counsellor not only to her four children, but to over 300 young ladies who she mentored/coached and taught about the Zambian culture over the years. As a Matron (Custodian of our Zambian culture) her responsibility is to teach, Educate, Mentor and guide young ladies who seek to get married, so that the ladies can be ready to know how to handle her husband and the new life or institution she’s joining in general. (follow-ups are done as needed).
Her community engagement goes far beyond tradition where she took in children of school going age as surrogate mothers when they were unable to fend for themselves. During that time, she also became a foster mother to several children. She became a Director for Women Uplifted where she works with women who are/were abused and battered and can now gallantly stand on their own and proudly speak about their success after it all. In 2018 she got involve with the founding of an organization called the African Diaspora Development Institute (ADDI). where she is the Global Director/Community Outreach, her job is to bring the diaspora together so communication between them is easier. So far, she has single handedly opened 67 Chapters globally and the diaspora communicates very effectively on, on-going projects globally. This has also allowed her to be part of the leadership that has taken diaspora to the continent in a bid to connect the continent and the diaspora.
Her passion for culture allowed her to partner with a gentleman who single handedly tried to put together a TV program called Afrika Plus. After the show was on the air, she also got a chance to mentor/work with many youths that needed TV training guidance as well as share the Continental African culture from different parts of the continent. Some African Embassies engaged her is being part of the cultural programs due to her passion of working with the community mostly the impressionable youth. She has since then formed her own company called Aivlys Solutions USA Inc, with branches in Zambia. DRC, and Nigeria where her goal is to bring business, and non-recourse funding through her connections and create jobs for the continent as well as development and mentorship.
After getting remarried in 2021 she moved to Palmdale, California to join her husband who is the founder and President of The African Diaspora Foundation (The ADF). where she is now the Chairwoman of this organization. She and her husband have within three years managed to donate/ship 5 containers of hospital used goods which were sent to three African countries, and she continues to do so to help the needy there. The ADF is a Peace Education Organization that allows her to facilitate and counsel refugees/misplaced persons to navigate the walls of society to get them help/resources when they need it, The ADF is also responsible for bringing all the Community Based Organizations (CBO)s under its umbrella. Under her leadership as Chairwoman, she is now working with The ADF President to get an endowment for UCLA through ADF. Her passion is to serve the community….
Dr. Sylvia Litana Ezozo upon the recommendation of the faculty of American Management University, was conferred the degree of honorary Ph.D. in Leadership and Community Development on 3rd August 2024.